Aagje Van Raemdonck
20 nov 2024
The Efteling announced today that their oldest hotel, the Efteling Hotel, will have a new name from April 2025 onwards. After a big metamorphosis, the hotel will be named: The Efteling Wonder Hotel.
For many visitors, a day at The Efteling starts with a glimpse of the iconic hotel that was opened in 1992, the Efteling states. The hotel is located near the highway exit that leads to the park, therefore acting as a gateway to the world of the Efteling.
Big overhaul
The Efteling Hotel will be closed from the 6th of January until around the middle of April 2025. During this period the hotel will undergo a big overhaul. Many hotel chambers have been revamped already in 2021 and the outside of the hotel has already been renovated in 2023.
During the start of 2025 The Efteling wants to revitalize the whole ground floor. This includes the repositioning of the hotel entrance.
After this metamorphosis the hotel will no longer be called “The Efteling Hotel”, but the “Efteling Wonder Hotel”. This name was chosen to make a clear divide with The “Efteling Grand Hotel” opening next year, with Nicole Steffens (Director Park & Resorts) stating: “With the opening of the Efteling Grand Hotel in 2025 in prospect, we wanted to market our first hotel even more clearly. The Efteling Wonder Hotel distinguishes itself from our other accommodation locations through strong theming. It is a castle in the air, full of wonderful stories.”
