Aagje Van Raemdonck
19 nov 2024
On the 18th of November, Intamin announced a new “thrilling” launched family coaster type on their social media channels. The new ride type features several groundbreaking innovations.
“Welcome to the family”, this is how Intamin introduced the new launched coaster type. With the family being emphasized.
During the 1 minute and 7 seconds video the coaster manufacturer showcases the many unique features that this family coaster has to offer. The coaster type brings airtime hills that can pull up to -0.4G, swing LSM launches, spikes and inversions to the family market. Fully reinventing the meaning of a family coaster.
Totally new train design
The new LSM family coaster also features a whole new train design that is revolutionary in its own aspect. The alternative train design allows guests from 1 meter to ride the new coaster. Making the LSM family coaster accessible for the whole family.
Intamin announced the new coaster type in the wake of the IAAPA expo in Orlando. At this event several new coasters get announced each year. Announcing this ride type before the expo could possibly be an indication that the well renowned manufacturer could announce a coaster of this type.
The question remains that the ride type will be a direct hit or it will need some time to prove itself.